Disaster Risk Reduction: Learn Share Embed


In 2018, the Australian Government established the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework, which is a multi-sector collaboration designed to reduce the disaster risk and limit the impacts of disasters across all sectors of society now and into the future.

In 2020, the New South Wales Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF) was established under the National Partnership Agreement on Disaster Risk Reduction (NPADRR) as part of a national implementation of the NDRRF to support each state’s meaningful progress against NDRRF priorities. The objective in the National Partnership is to proactively reduce the risk and limit the impact of disasters associated with natural hazards on Australian communities and economies.

The Disaster Risk Reduction project is about “Learn Share Embed: reflecting, sharing and working together to align regional and local resilience strategies contributing to codesign of a systemic, state-wide approach”

The project will work across four key focus areas:

  • Embedding: taking the outputs from the Blueprint project and giving them life in the next steps towards regional and local resilience strategy work through collaborative actioning.
  • Alignment and co-design:  Regional and local approaches aligned with State Resilience Strategy. Resilience program coordinator drives aligned Regional Resilience Strategies developed in a partnership approach.
  • Collaboration: project participants in the Blueprint project work together to frame the Regional and local resilience strategies in SE NSW and share learning across all participant Joint Organisations in NSW
  • Building and Sharing: Resilience strategies are scoped and owned and embedded in the framework for the delivery of the 2024 IPR process for local Councils across NSW.

Integrated Planning & Reporting Resilience Toolkit 2024(PDF, 7MB)

Funded under the joint Australian Government – NSW Government National Partnership Agreement on Disaster Risk Reduction.