Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy

The development of the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy (CREDS) is a key priority in the ACT-NSW Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Collaboration signed by the ACT and NSW Governments in June 2020, and the CRJO Statement of Strategic Priorities signed in 2019. 

The aim is to define a coordinated approach to activate critical economic development opportunities and realise the full potential of industry, employment and growth across the Canberra region. 

This objective has evolved into the Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy – A Prospectus for Collaboration that identifies common pillars for economic development. It reinforces our shared commitment to work together to further develop an economically prosperous region that provides a high quality of life and is resilient, accessible and environmentally sustainable.

Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy - 2022(PDF, 5MB)